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Exemplary damages against manager who demanded s-x for job

A laundromat owner-manager who demanded s-x in return for a job and continually subjected a casual worker to unwanted touching has been ordered to pay her $50,000, including $5000 in aggravated damages, and cover her legal costs.

FWC upholds sacking of worker for punch after Yakuza claims

The FWC has upheld the dismissal of a student visa holder who punched a co-worker in the face after accusing him of saying "a lot of bad things" about a colleague she claimed was regularly being sexually assaulted by local Japanese gangsters.

FWC directs Woolies to shift bullied worker to fresh role

Woolworths has a week to respond to draft orders requiring it to relocate a bullied night filler to its online team, after the FWC factored in her own disrespectful behaviour in finding some risk she will be bullied in the future.

Qantas restraint case won't call Australia home

The NSW Supreme Court has thrown out a Qantas bid for an "anti-anti-suit" injunction to enable a hearing in Australia of its bid to enforce restraints in the employment contract of a former overseas-based executive who has moved to a senior role at rival Virgin.

"Approve pay cut or lose your job" not coercion: FWC

A large catering contractor did not coerce its workers when it warned them they would lose their jobs and forgo severance if they failed to approve a pay cut for new employees, the FWC has found.

Woolworths slips own no-cost option into class action notice

Woolworths has succeeded in having reference to its own no-cost alternative inserted into an opt-out notice to be sent by law firm Adero to current and prospective class action members claiming underpayments estimated in the hundreds of millions.

FWC bench within rights to halt reinstatement: Full court

A 64-year-old BlueScope worker sacked for mishandling a 13-tonne coil has failed to win his job back, after a full Federal Court majority found a FWC bench did not go beyond its powers to halt his reinstatement.

Union by-pass hiccup for NSW MBA

The NSW MBA's campaign to build a beachhead of non-union agreements is in jeopardy, with the FWC rejecting two deals it found had not been genuinely agreed.

Employer body secures legal representation

The FWC will allow an employer organisation to use external lawyers, despite accepting that it has sufficient in-house expertise, as it defends a self-represented former employee's unfair dismissal claim.