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Labor pledges to resolve public sector bargaining "mess"

The Opposition has hinted that a Shorten Labor Government would axe the Coalition Government's public sector bargaining policy and the 2% wage cap, while 30,000 Victorian public sector employees are set to receive a backdated pay rise after voting up a new agreement.

Public servant fails to halt gazettal of dismissal

An urgent application by a sacked public servant to stop the Defence Department publishing notice of her dismissal in the Australian Public Service Gazette has been rejected by the Federal Court.

Union uses GFB laws to stay sacking of delegate

In what is believed to be a first, the AMWU has secured the interim reinstatement of a shop steward because his sacking arguably breached good faith bargaining obligations.

"National security" hearing proceeds behind closed doors

The Turnbull Government has pressed ahead with its application for a three-month ban on industrial action by border protection and immigration workers, which is being strongly opposed by the CPSU.

FWC upholds summary sacking for sending group emails

The FWC has found an employer was entitled to summarily dismiss an employee who lodged complaints and sent group emails accusing managers of bullying and appointing a friend to a job he had unsuccessfully sought.

Tribunal reinstates ATO's "square peg in a round hole"

The FWC has ordered the ATO to reinstate a senior officer dismissed for being a "square peg" that wouldn't fit into a round hole after he was unable to perform the duties of a new role.

Strikes to resume at international airports

The CPSU will resume industrial action at international airports from tomorrow, after postponing plans for Easter strikes in response to Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's request in the wake of last week's terror attacks in Brussels.

ETU preparing for strikes at NSW energy supplier

ETU members employed at the NSW electricity distributor Essential Energy have overwhelmingly endorsed protected work bans and stoppages, which they can begin activating next week.