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Conspiracy theorist subjected to "assumed disability" bias

In a rare "assumed disability" discrimination case that has exposed legislative shortcomings, a tribunal has awarded $20,000 to a public servant forced to take sick leave over concerns about her enthusiasm for conspiracy theories.

Ending temporary government worker's shifts was dismissal: FWC

In a significant decision affecting those in temporary government roles, the FWC has found a Federal department failed to recognise it was dismissing a "non-ongoing" employee when it informed him that repeated instances of disrespectful behaviour meant he would not be offered further work.

United front peters out as BoM deal voted up

The CPSU has expressed dismay after Bureau of Meteorology workers voted by a knife's edge to accept management's latest offer for a new agreement despite union opposition.

New public service watchdog confronts Lloyd decision

The Turnbull Government's new public service watchdog faces a crunch decision on departing Australian Public Service chief John Lloyd soon after starting in the position on June 25.

Court returns keys to twice-sacked prison officer

A prison officer effectively sacked twice after pleading guilty to assaulting three inmates has again won his job back, an appeal court finding that the IR commissioner who originally reinstated him had correctly focused on what is fair and just, rather than "the reputation of the government".

FWC member stands herself down over perceived bias

In a rare case of an FWC member standing themselves down, a commissioner has found that comments she made about the "vexatious" applicants in a discontinued anti-bullying case could lead observers to question her impartiality when considering a counter anti-bullying application by the original respondent.

BoM agreement with conditional rights gets icy reception from union

The CPSU says it will recommend Bureau of Meteorology workers reject a new agreement offer that relegates delegates' access rights to a side deal and makes them subject to management approval, vowing in the meantime to keep inserting campaign messages into the bureau's forecasts.

Lloyd resigns in wake of alleged code breach

The Australian Public Service Commissioner, John Lloyd, has resigned two weeks after Senate Estimates heard that he faced an allegation of breaching the public service code of conduct.