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Private sector pay rebounds as public sphere rises reined in: ABS

Further evidence of the green shoots of a recovery has been provided with today's release of ABS data showing that private sector pay rates excluding bonuses increased by 0.7% seasonally adjusted and 0.5% in original terms in the December quarter.

Misconduct sacking bins $70,000 sick leave payout

A veteran garbo has lost his right to a $70,000 accrued personal leave payout after the NSW IRC upheld his sacking for riding on the back of a garbage truck, finding he held a cavalier attitude and lacked insight, despite expressions of regret.

"Late starter" denied flexitime: Claim

A worker who describes herself as a "late starter" is seeking either reinstatement or almost $1 million, claiming the Defence Department dismissed her for numerous prohibited reasons including her age and complaints about being denied flexible working hours.

Mask objector claims Auntie took adverse action

An ABC makeup artist who claims her Lyme disease makes it unsafe to wear an anti-coronavirus mask and wants to instead don a shield is suing the broadcaster for discriminatory adverse action after it allegedly removed her from its roster.

Tribunal clarifies definition of "emergency" carer's leave

After revoking a finding that a worker was entitled to carer's leave as his mother could not look after his children due to COVID-19 concerns, the FWC has found he met the bar for only one day and can "split the different" on repaying the rest.

ATO flouted agreement's WFH regime: Union

The ASU is challenging the ATO's COVID-19 emergency work-from-home arrangements and its ability to quickly call employees back to the office, accusing it in a Federal Court adverse action case of breaching the terms of its agreement.

Court backs rare Premier's challenge to tribunal ruling

A palliative care doctor given 10 minutes' notice that his three-year fixed-term contract was to be succeeded by a six-month contract immediately lost his right to have a tribunal review the new offer, Tasmania's Supreme Court has held.

Tribunal delivers brutal takedown of government agency sacking

In a warning about the myriad ways disciplinary investigations can go wrong, the FWC has rejected virtually every finding a large government agency relied on to sack an experienced rail employee who described his dismissal meeting as a "Pearl Harbour" moment.

Tribunal head vents over member's "imprecise" decision

A tribunal head has taken the unusual step of critiquing a member's "imprecise" decision that required an appeal bench to review evidence to identify the reasoning behind his findings.

Expert laments ad hoc approach to public sector pay

A leading economics and IR academic says the Morrison Government's decision to ditch public servants' 2% pay rise cap and instead link increases with private sector WPI adjustments is a missed opportunity that will "make a bad situation worse".