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NSW nurses vow to stay course despite anti-strike orders

The NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association says it is "100% committed" to supporting members who are campaigning for nurse-patient ratios, after the State IRC ordered it to not engage in industrial action.

Aviation unions seek leave to appeal Qantas JobKeeper ruling

Aviation unions will this month ask the High Court to hear an appeal against Qantas's use of JobKeeper payments, on the same day that the ABCC will seek leave to challenge a full Federal Court finding on the nature of "industrial activity".

High Court to hear traumatised lawyer's case

The High Court has granted a lawyer leave to appeal a finding that her State government employer did not breach its duty of care in managing her reaction to preparing a large volume of child s-xual offence cases.

Government slots two new members into NSW IRC

The NSW IRC appears set to boost its full-time membership to six following the appointment of two new commissioners, one a former union official and the other currently heading up a poker machine lobby group.

Victorian Budget puts wage theft on "fast track"

Victoria's Andrews Labor Government has allocated $9.6 million to develop a new "fast track model" for hearing wage theft cases in the State's Magistrates' Court.

Reduced public sector pay rises "not miserly": Pallas

Victoria's Andrews Labor Government will move to reduce average annual public sector wage increases from 3% to 2% in Thursday's State budget, spurring the AEU to strike a deal before the policy begins on January 1.

Second-time-around sacking unfair without fresh evidence: FWC

A government agency has been ordered to reinstate a worker dismissed a year after it attributed a workplace vehicle collision to "human error", the FWC finding it had produced no further evidence to warrant the change of heart.

Police nail 1.75% pay rise as paramedics "win" 0.3%

The NSW IRC has awarded police a 1.75% pay rise after finding their award does not reflect productivity and efficiency improvements since 2011, but the state's paramedics will get only 0.3% with a one-off payment to boost their first year's increase to $1000.

Tribunal throws out sacked CEO's reprisal claims

A Logan City Council chief executive who alleged she was sacked by elected members after accusing the mayor of corruption has had her adverse action and whistleblowing claims thrown out by Queensland's IRC.

$200,000 for worker mortified by poster

A tribunal in awarding a former Sydney Water worker $200,000 damages has factored in a "weasel worded" apology issued by the consultancy responsible for using her image in a "Feel great - lubricate!" safety campaign.