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Manager's 10% pay cut was a dismissal: FWC

A decision by NSW Trains to discipline a manager by shaving almost 10% off his annual pay constituted a dismissal even though he remains in the job and such action is allowed by its agreement and governing regulations, the FWC has held.

FWC opens door wider for lawyers

A second FWC decision in the space of 15 days has affirmed a less stringent approach to granting legal representation.

Qantas to appeal outsourcing judgment as workers ask for jobs back

Qantas says it will appeal today's Federal Court finding it breached adverse action provisions in outsourcing the remainder of its ground handling jobs while grappling with the pandemic, maintaining it was motivated "only by lawful commercial reasons".

Newsflash: Union wins Qantas outsourcing case

In a case expected to have "far reaching consequences", the TWU has won its Federal Court adverse action case against Qantas over its shunning of the union's in-house bid when the airline decided to outsource the work of 2000 ground-handlers.

Name and shame threat for recalcitrant pollies

The Morrison Government will establish an independent complaints mechanism to handle sexual harassment, assaults and bullying in Federal parliamentary workplaces, while it is also considering "naming and shaming" MPs and senators who fail to undertake anti-harassment training.

First conversion dispute ruling finds worker ineligible

A WA TAFE worker among the first out of the blocks to test the Fair Work Act's new casual conversion provisions in the FWC has lost her bid to have the tribunal deal with her permanency dispute because she does not work for a national system employer.

Strike threat for Australia's largest prison after deal spurned

In another test of public-private ventures, prison officers at the country's largest and newest correctional centre are considering striking after overwhelmingly rejecting what the CPSU called a "lowball" deal put forward by operator Serco Australia.

Judge resigns after sexual harassment finding

A Federal Circuit Court judge has resigned after an investigation substantiated allegations that he engaged in "sexualised" conduct towards two women - a court employee and a law student - while the court has revamped its judicial complaints system and engaged an eminent Harvard academic to train judicial officers and staff.

FWC decries "unedifying" motivation in seniority case

The FWC has avoided "unconscionable injustice" to a female Qantas pilot, finding it lacked the power to deal with colleagues' belated challenge to her seniority during a COVID-19-driven "every man for themselves" scramble for the lifeboats.

Drink-driving unrelated to rail operator's job, FWC rules

In an important out-of-hours conduct ruling, the FWC has reinstated a veteran train driver sacked after he told his employer that he faced possible imprisonment for blowing four times over the blood alcohol limit when police breath-tested him on the road.