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UK employer failed to make reasonable changes for migraine sufferer

A UK employment tribunal has found that an employer unfairly dismissed a nurse for using too much sick leave and discriminated against her by failing to make reasonable adjustments to accomodate her disabilities, which included migraine headaches.

Sacking about choice, not employer jab "mandate": Tribunal

A FWC member has sought to emphasise that jabs are a matter of choice for employees, rather than a "mandate" imposed by employers, as a tide of COVID-19 vaccination-related unfair dismissal cases work their way through the tribunal.

"Predisposed view" did not scuttle consultation: FWC

A senior FWC member has thrown out a union challenge to a Commonwealth-owned business's COVID-19 vaccination mandate, while observing that having a "predisposed view" does not mean an employer has failed to genuinely consult about new policies.

NSW raises public sector salary cap

NSW's Perrottet Government has raised its 2.5% wage ceiling to 3% next financial year and up to 3.5% in 2023-24, in the face of incomes falling behind consumer price inflation and unions taking industrial action seeking to scrap the cap.

Employer's HR became reactive, haphazard at COVID-19's peak

In a ruling that shines a light on "haphazard" HR practices in Victoria's Health Department at the height of the pandemic, the FWC has rejected claims it did not sack a hotel quarantine worker and lambasted it for meeting production orders with redactions that rendered evidence meaningless.

Drink driving dodge justified police officer's sacking

A tribunal has backed the sacking of a Queensland police officer who helped his wife avoid a possible drink driving charge after crashing while almost three times over the limit, observing in passing that not all his character references assisted his case.

Tribunal upholds suspension over assault charges

A tribunal has upheld the suspension without pay of a public sector employee accused of s-xually assaulting three women while moonlighting as a rideshare driver.

Flexibility bid driven by antipathy to virus jab: FWC

The FWC has observed that a Victorian worker's application to work full-time from home under flexible work arrangements was largely motivated by her opposition to COVID-19 vaccinations, in upholding her employer's refusal of her request.