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Five-member bench reserves on BHP vax case

BHP has a "compelling safety case" for introducing a mandatory vaccination policy to control COVID-19 at its mine sites, a five-member Fair Work Commission full bench heard today.

Police cleared to sequester former officer's estate

A full Federal Court has dismissed the latest in a raft of cases brought by a former ABCC inspector sacked for failing to disclose criminal and disciplinary proceedings when he served as a police officer, clearing the way for NSW Police to sequester his bankrupt estate to recover court-ordered costs.

Brake on breaks not unlawful: Court

A Melbourne tram company did not breach its 2019 agreement by telling drivers that after COVID-19's significant effect on patronage it is no longer appropriate to seek full meal breaks when running late due to traffic congestion, the Federal Court has held.

Protected strikes "a simple concept": Bench

In a significant ruling reinforcing the need for strict adherence to strike laws, the CFMMEU has failed to overturn a finding that an employer rightly deducted 12 hours' pay from mineworkers who took a total of about 30 minutes across three days to secure their machinery in preparation for protected action.

Intellectual property concerns warranted sacking: FWC

The FWC has upheld a government-funded organisation's summary sacking of a support officer who claimed ownership of a program's intellectual property while planning with a team of consultants to take it outside.

Bank, union square off over alleged "pay secrecy" sacking

The FSU and the Commonwealth Bank are set to square off next month over accusations the bank sacked a worker for discussing his pay less than a month after chief executive Matt Comyn told a parliamentary committee the CBA does not enforce salary secrecy clauses.

FWC sends off National Rugby League referee

A National Rugby League referee has failed to make it onto the field to contest his general protections claim, after the FWC ruled that the employer did not dismiss him, but that his "maximum-term" 12-month contract expired.

Lawyer accuses associate of bullying her

A lawyer has launched an adverse action case against a firm she accuses of retrenching her after two months because of her complaints and allegations that her supervisor lacked appropriate qualifications and bullied her.

CPI clauses back as inflation genie looms

The TWU's in-principle three-year agreement with Australia Post subsidiary StarTrack will deliver annual wage rises that match CPI increases in the second and third years of the deal if inflation exceeds 3%.

Wrongly stood-down worker didn't "share the burden": FWC

The FWC has decided not to compensate a Queensland hotel worker unlawfully stood down after she refused to temporarily reduce her hours, finding it would be unfair to her employer and colleagues who agreed to "share the burden of the pandemic".