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$5000 in shares acknowledges pandemic pain: Qantas

Qantas will grant 1000 share rights to 20,000 employees, who endured 18-month stand-downs and are subject to two-year wage freezes, but the TWU says its forecast rapid post-pandemic recovery shows the airline's' "illegal outsourcing and attacks on workers under the cover of covid" were unwarranted.

Full court to hear Qantas outsourcing appeal today

Qantas and the TWU today take their long-running legal battle over the outsourcing of up to 2,000 ground crew jobs at the height of the pandemic to a full Federal Court.

Tribunal backs sacking for excessive personal texting at work

The FWC has upheld the flawed sacking of a health and safety manager after phone records revealed she sent an "extraordinary and unacceptable" amount of text messages at work while overseeing her growing side business.

Woolies adds more underpayments to its docket

Woolworths has revealed another $144 million in underpayments to workers covered by its three main enterprise agreements, while warning its backpay bill for its earlier revelations about shortchanging salaried employees could still go higher.

Review casual's status in six months, FWC recommends

In a rare test of the Fair Work Act's new casual conversion provisions, the FWC has recommended an employer review a worker's request in six months and consider establishing a core workforce of permanent employees.

Sustainability chief makes $800,000 adverse action claim

A former chief sustainability officer is suing a major property group for more than $800,000 – including a retention payment – in an adverse action case accusing it of dressing-up a post-takeover redundancy as a dismissal to avoid paying his full entitlements.

FWC refuses to extend time despite law firm's failure

The FWC has found a law firm's lack of competence and "grossly unprofessional" conduct primarily to blame for the late unfair dismissal claim of a worker who breached a vaccine mandate, but it has refused to grant a one-day extension due to her role in the delay.

Ross declines to refer vax "questions of law" to full bench

FWC President Iain Ross has refused to refer to a full bench "questions of law" from a health worker and a group of Virgin employees seeking declarations that it is illegal to threaten those breaching vaccine mandates with the sack and that a "non-covid injected person" is no risk.

APSC "enhancement" restriction could hamper WFH: Union

The "no enhancements" clause in the Federal public sector's bargaining policy could stymie the adoption of WFH provisions in Australian Public Service enterprise agreements, according to the CPSU's national secretary.