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Humble bookstore deal "most significant" in country, claims RAFFWU

RAFFWU says it is seeking to replicate a Sydney bookstore deal that it describes as the "most significant" retail agreement in Australia, the FWC approving it this week after the employer had a second shot at explaining it to members.

Conspiracy theory complaints blow up long career

The FWC has upheld Australia Post's sacking of a long-time employee who ignored directions not to return to a client's workplace after complaints he was spreading COVID-19 conspiracy theories.

Tugboat operator's termination bid on choppy seas, claims union

Maritime unions have sought to ramp up pressure on Australia's biggest tugboat operator Svitzer by claiming its attempts to terminate its current agreement after two years of deadlocked bargaining are an "embarrassment" to its parent company and in breach of global environmental, social and corporate governance commitments.

Job candidate hid light under a bushel: Tribunal

A senior Queensland Building and Construction Commission inspector with decades of experience as a police officer has lost his bid to establish that the state's Office of IR wrongly failed to shortlist him for a job in its Labour Hire Compliance Unit.

Follow Queensland's lead on wages cap: NSW Unions

NSW unions have called on the Perrottet Coalition Government to loosen the State's public sector pay cap after a Queensland offer to nurses that will deliver 11% in pay rises over three years plus "cost of living top-up payments" of up to 3% a year. 

Shoddy undercarriage for interim bans order: FWC

The FWC, in rejecting Sydney Trains' application for an interim s424 order to suspend or terminate protected action by the RTBU and CEPU, has rejected the precedent put forward by the employer as supporting its case.

NSW Labor pledges to axe public sector pay cap

The NSW Opposition has promised today that if it takes power at the March election, it will scrap the decade-old public sector wages cap and replace it with a productivity-based bargaining system.

FWC goes lunar in time-extension deliberations

A workplace tribunal member has philosophised about the sun and moon in considering whether to extend time for an unfair dismissal claim filed three days late.

TWU-Uber deal as Labor's regulatory regime looms

The TWU has signed an agreement with Uber that commits the delivery and rideshare giant to supporting the Federal Government legislating for an independent body responsible for creating industry-wide standards.