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Tasmania legislates post-winter freeze for public servants

Tasmania's Hodgman Government has introduced draft legislation for its proposal to impose a 12-month freeze on the wages and incremental increases of the state's 24,000 public servants and remove the State IRC's power to award future pay increases above a 2% Government-set cap.

Biggest department readying for vote on below-inflation offer

Department of Human Services employees look set to be the first to vote on an offer made under the Coalition's restrictive new public sector bargaining policy, with the CPSU warning the below-inflation pay and reduced conditions on the table are "early-warning signs" of what is ahead.

FSU to seek NAB performance pay flow-on

The FSU will push to flow on changes in performance pay agreed with the National Australia Bank into upcoming bargaining grounds at the other three big banks.

NSW wages cap includes super, appeal court rules

The NSW Government has had a victory in its long-running battle to include compulsory superannuation increases within the public sector 2.5% wage cap, after the State's Court of Appeal quashed last year's IRC ruling that the wages cap only applied to Commission-awarded increases.

Opposition accuses NSW Government of "busting" its wages cap

NSW Shadow IR Minister Adam Searle says the Baird Government has "busted" its wages cap with a new deal that goes beyond the 2.5% public service limit by paying for two-thirds of a recent massive rise in police officers' insurance premiums.

FWC carpets advocate over "prevarication"

The Fair Work Commission has criticised an employer representative who filed a draft enterprise agreement for approval without sufficient evidence that it had been seen or approved by employees, saying her explanations about the deficiencies "could at best be described as prevarication".

FWC rejects bid to modernise enterprise award

The Fair Work Commission has rejected another employer application to create a modern enterprise award rather than be bound by a sector-wide modern award.