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Looming court ruling might expose AWU to substantial damages

The Federal Court has reserved its decision in a case in which Esso Australia argues that members of the AWU took unprotected industrial action, which cut its oil and gas production in Bass Strait in March and April.

Deviation from prescribed wording invalidates notice: Bench

A FWC full bench has ruled invalid a major company's representational rights notice for departing from strict wording and content requirements, after giving the employer and unions the opportunity to respond to newly-published guidelines on the issue.

Bench spikes challenge from sacked Qantas pilot

A FWC full bench has rejected a sacked Qantas pilot's argument that spiking of his drink meant he couldn't be held responsible for s-xually assaulting a female flight crew member during a stopover in Chile.

High bar to challenging witness evidence: Full court

A full Federal Court has rejected a paramedic's attempt to overturn a finding that he was dismissed because of his aggressive behaviour towards management rather than because he exercised his workplace rights to complain about his job.

Coles clears another hurdle to single retail deal

Coles Supermarkets is a step closer to putting to ballot a single retail deal covering 80,000 workers, after the Fair Work Commission comprehensively rejected a TWU scope order application for online delivery drivers, finding they were an "integrated and integral part" of the company's retail operations.

Look to Kiwi solution for good faith in employment: Riley

Australia could consider adopting a Kiwi-style statutory good faith obligation after the High Court's finding that there is no implied duty of mutual trust and confidence in employment contracts, according to a senior law academic.