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Mandate public sector equality reporting to WGEA: Academic

The Federal Government should consider requiring APS agencies to report to the WGEA on their performance against gender equality targets, University of NSW researcher Sue Williamson told an IR academics' conference this month.

Extended undertaking saves agreement termination for Loy Yang

An FWC full bench has refused to overturn the termination of the agreement for the Loy Yang power station and coal mine, after it accepted that the company's commitment to extend employment protections to three years compensated for an error in the initial tribunal ruling.

Transit officer unfairly sacked over capsicum spray

Sacking a transit officer for "excessive force" when he used capsicum spray on a threatening 12-year-old boy was unfair because the employer should have considered demoting him instead, a tribunal has found.

QBE reveals pay penalty for chief executive

The board of QBE Insurance Group has cut the remuneration of its chief executive, John Neal, by $550,000 because of his tardiness in disclosing that he was in a personal relationship with his personal assistant.

Seven boss's former lover told unions off-limits

Former Seven West Media executive assistant Amber Harrison, whose affair with chief executive Tim Worner has seen the company in damage control for the past two months, was warned off talking to any trade union representatives about the circumstances of her departure as part of a deed agreed between the parties on her exit.

BlueScope change consultation not fair, genuine: FWC

The Fair Work Commission has ordered BlueScope Steel to consult with a group of maintenance workers at its Port Kembla steelworks, after finding it failed to comply with the terms of a landmark 2015 enterprise agreement that reduced wages and reformed work practices to keep the plant open.

Seven West says Harrison breaching deed, employment contract

Seven West Media is today seeking to permanently gag former executive assistant Amber Harrison, arguing that by disclosing company information and discussing her affair with chief executive Tim Worner she is breaching not only a settlement deed but continuing obligations under her contract of employment.