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Dentist's adverse action claim a bridge too far: Court

The Federal Court has rejected claims an employer took adverse action against a dentist it threatened to sack for writing "pugnacious" emails, redirecting mail and refusing to attend disciplinary meetings, ruling that the last two actions amounted to him repudiating his employment contract.

Prison officer wins job back despite letting one slip

The NSWIRC has reinstated a corrections officer whose "complacency" led to a high-risk prisoner escaping out a bathroom window, rejecting the employer's contention it no longer felt confident the experienced officer could do his job.

High Court reserves decision in Aldi 'coverage' case

In a case likely to have ramifications for hundreds of existing enterprise deals, the High Court has reserved its decision in Aldi's appeal against a decision knocking out a controversial agreement on the basis it was agreed by prospective employees not yet covered by it.

Shifting policy sands could catch out APS social media posters

Restrictions on APS employees posting anti-Government messages on social media under new guidelines could lead to workers unwittingly exposing themselves to sanction as policies shift on issues such as marriage equality, according to an IR academic.

CPSU finally lands two new agreements, says bigger fish still to fry

The approval of new deals covering almost 22,000 ATO and PM&C employees heralds significant progress in the CPSU's longest-ever bargaining dispute, but the union says it won't be resolved until the Department of Human Services "gets the message on retaining rights and conditions".

Annual bonus payable if Australia Post and employees deliver

The FWC has approved an Australia Post deal incorporating a 6%-over-three-years pay rise for about 29,500 employees plus an annual 1% bonus if the company realises profit and delivery targets, after it was overwhelmingly endorsed in every state and territory except Victoria.

"Interesting technical question" sees bench quash agreement

An FWC full bench has quashed an agreement struck with five Sigma Healthcare recruits, finding the NUW had been denied natural justice when the pharmaceuticals giant failed to provide it with its application for approval on the basis that the union had ceased to be a bargaining representative.

"Industry standard" overtime regime unlawful: Union

United Voice has launched Federal Court action against security giant Wilson, accusing it of unlawfully allocating overtime payments to Sundays in a bid to avoid paying correct penalty rates to security guards.

Coles agreement termination case pushed back in the queue

The FWC today gave a strong signal that it is anxious to bring to a head Coles employee Penny Vickers' bid to terminate the supermarket giant's enterprise agreement, acknowledging criticism that the case had dragged on before granting the night-fill worker an extension to supply supporting documents.