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"Outraged" whistle blowers take their case to FWC

National Rugby League referees have for the second time in two years found themselves before the FWC as they contest a decision to cut from two to one the number officiating games from the competition's planned re-start on May 28.

First Jobkeeper dispute decision goes against employee

A stood down part-time employee receiving double her usual wage on the JobKeeper scheme unreasonably refused a request to use up one day's annual leave each week over 16 weeks, the FWC has found.

Meatworker boned over uncharacteristic Coke theft: FWC

A meatworks boner sacked just shy of his tenth work anniversary for stealing a can of coke is in line for almost $30,000 in compensation plus accrued long service leave, after the FWC found the employer's response harsh.

HR manager's vote helps cruel deal's termination

The FWC has dismissed a company's application to terminate its nominally-expired agreement after discovering that its HR manager was among a group of ineligible employees who voted up the proposal.

FWC backs axing for storing drug-growing gear at work

A sales representative with permission to keep some possessions at work has failed to establish that his employer therefore had no grounds to dismiss him for storing hydroponic equipment used to grow marijuana.

IR advisor to wear costs for "reckless" oversights

The FWC has made a rare costs order against an IR advisor, after Unfair Dismissals Australia's "reckless" failure to provide an employer with supplementary witness statements forced hearings into an unscheduled fourth day.

Qantas sued for millions over alleged 30-year-old events

A 55-year-old former cabin crew manager is seeking $1.7 million in lost wages and super, plus future lost earnings until retirement and at least $200,000 in damages from Qantas for alleged sexual discrimination and harassment some 17 to 30 years ago, according to court documents the airline sought to keep under wraps.

Multinational faces fine for unpaid allowance

A multinational's trouble-plagued deal for a major LNG project has again come back to bite it, with the Federal Court finding its arguments about unpaid allowances created "confusion" rather than clarity.