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FWC rejects RAFFWU's Coles majority support bid

RAFFWU petitions showing almost 100% of 2000 participating Coles workers want to bargain for its proposed deal have failed to convince the FWC to make a majority support determination, given it fell far short of the 103,600 who would be covered.

"We stab people in the front, not the back": Sacked lawyer's claim

The managing director of an ASX-listed wealth management company allegedly directed his gaze to a whistleblowing employee during a staff meeting and said that "we stab [people] in the front", not the back, according to an adverse action claim filed in the Federal Court.

Telstra moves to "location-agnostic" working

As Telstra continues to bring call centre jobs back onshore and responds to changing needs during the pandemic, it says a new flexible work policy will support "location agnostic" and "hybrid" practices that open up flexibility options for all employees.

High Court to hear traumatised lawyer's case

The High Court has granted a lawyer leave to appeal a finding that her State government employer did not breach its duty of care in managing her reaction to preparing a large volume of child s-xual offence cases.

Court rejects indemnity costs bid

The Federal Court has today ordered party-party costs, after rejecting a bid for indemnity costs, against a self-represented former World Vision employee who pursued a general protections case with no prospects of success.

Union uses Queensland IRC safety jurisdiction for harassment case

The RTBU has used a relatively new Queensland IRC power to hear safety disputes to pursue an alleged sexual harassment case on behalf of an Aurizon train driver member who claims the company "washed its hands" of the matter on the basis that it occurred outside of work.

Full court rules increases payable until new deal sealed

Qube Logistics must backpay two 3% increases held to be payable until it re-negotiated a rail deal, after a full Federal Court today upheld a finding that re-negotiation takes place when an agreement comes into force rather than when bargaining begins.

Streets can't freeze out casuals: Bench

A full bench has overturned a decision that found casual Streets Ice Cream factory workers were not to be counted in calculating ratios for full time and other types of employment set when Unilever introduced a new "flexible permanent part-time" category.

FSU urging full bench to reject "oversold" CBA deal

After accusing the Commonwealth Bank of using "bribes" and threats to force a non-union deal down workers' throats, the FSU is now objecting to its FWC approval at the same time as running a test case to claw back superannuation it claims should be paid on leave loading.