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Privilege affected by lawyer's "misrepresented" interview: Bench

In a decision exploring legal privilege in anti-bullying cases, a FWC full bench has found an employer disingenuously misrepresented the purpose of an investigation to justify directing its operations manager to participate in a compulsory interview "at pain of dismissal".

FWC lands another jab for compulsory vaccinations

Employers operating in high-risk environments such as aged and child care have been given further confidence that they can force workers to immunise after the FWC today upheld the sacking of a long-serving care assistant who refused a compulsory flu shot on allergy grounds.

Unions frothing over BHP's new alcohol policy

Mining unions are seeking an urgent meeting with BHP Billiton over a new alcohol policy limiting workers at remote camps to four standard drinks per day.

Director to serve jail time for workplace death

The director of a shed-building company has become the first person to be sentenced to serve a prison term under Western Australia's workplace safety and health laws.

Multinational's deal terminated despite claimed threat to industry

A senior FWC member has scrapped a multinational dredging company's expired deal so it can better compete for "new market opportunities", despite union claims that lower wages will send skilled workers elsewhere and that the current lack of projects is only temporary.

Invoicing no proof worker was a contractor, says FWC

A pick-a-box promoter working two-hour shifts was an employee capable of being dismissed despite being paid on the basis of "periodic" invoices that included her ABN, the FWC has held.

Bank exec claims sacking followed compliance fears

A former Westpac risk executive is suing the bank for more than $3 million in an adverse action case claiming it held her accountable for anti-hawking shortcomings and sacked her after she took her compliance concerns to the top.

"Buyer's remorse" can't undo settlements: FWC

An employee claiming he was misled into accepting a settlement while suffering PTSD has unsuccessfully sought to back out of it, the FWC holding "buyer's remorse" is no reason to undo a properly made deal.

Government slots two new members into NSW IRC

The NSW IRC appears set to boost its full-time membership to six following the appointment of two new commissioners, one a former union official and the other currently heading up a poker machine lobby group.

Victorian Budget puts wage theft on "fast track"

Victoria's Andrews Labor Government has allocated $9.6 million to develop a new "fast track model" for hearing wage theft cases in the State's Magistrates' Court.