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Pandemic savings drove outsourcing move: Qantas

Qantas, in its challenge to a crucial recent Federal Court adverse action ruling, says its sole motivation for outsourcing the jobs of about 1700 ground crew was its lawful commercial reason of saving $100 million a year during a global pandemic.

NDIA not guilty of unlawful adverse action: Court

A court has held that a senior National Disability Insurance Agency HR and safety executive who accepted a "very significant financial inducement" to retire early had not been subjected to unlawful adverse action due to his alleged protected disclosures and employment disputes, finding him the "unfortunate victim of a restructure".

FWC to re-hear case of lawyer sacked for "insubordination"

A criminal lawyer has succeeded in overturning findings that he unfairly sacked a solicitor and practice manager he accused of "insubordination" and "sabotage", a FWC bench ruling that a tribunal member was too dismissive of his explanation for missing a hearing.

Sacked after workload complaint, claims manager

In an adverse action claim accusing labour hire company Chandler Macleod and its chief executive of discrimination based on gender, age and/or s-xual orientation, the former executive GM of its contract cleaning arm alleges she was sacked for complaining about a workload issue.

FWC pulls trigger on loaded rates for hospitality industry

Hospitality industry employers have won approval to roll up overtime, penalty and split-shift rates for full-time higher-paid workers after a FWC full bench rejected union concerns that changing the award for a small cohort could leave a broader group of employees worse off.

FWC declines to stay case of three-week CEO

The FWC has refused to stay consideration of another case caught up in the High Court's current slate of matters examining employment status, finding that a former chief executive of just three weeks would be unfairly prejudiced if his adverse action claim was delayed.

Law clear about decisions on the papers: FWC bench

An employer will get another chance to argue that it did not dismiss a worker after a four-member FWC bench determined that the company's jurisdictional objection should not have been decided on the papers.

Director's criticism overheard in bathroom: Employer body

WA's peak employer body says COVID-19 prompted it to extend the probationary period of a commercial services director instead of sacking her, before she allegedly shared details of a confidential performance discussion while criticising colleagues in the workplace toilets.

Late application allowed after children's secrecy over sacking

The FWC has allowed a delivery driver's late unfair dismissal application to proceed after finding that his adult children kept news of his sacking from him over health concerns while he completed two weeks' hotel quarantine.

Law firm granted representation to defend solicitor's sacking claim

The FWC will allow a legal firm that provides IR advice to lawyer-up against a self-represented junior solicitor with no post-admission experience who claims to be in a "David and Goliath" situation as he seeks to challenge his dismissal.