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Worker to re-plead $2.5M "skin colour" discrimination case

The Federal Court has given a self-represented worker a chance re-plead a race discrimination case against CIMIC Group subsidiary UGL after painstaking analysis of his "discursive" statements of claim led to the bulk being struck out or summarily dismissed.

Bank faces criminal charges over alleged LSL underpayments

The National Australia Bank is facing criminal charges that it failed to pay long service leave entitlements to casual employees in Victoria, as the State's wage theft watchdog continues its pursuit of big employers.

Pandemic used to "disguise" ex-wife's sacking: FWC

The FWC has ordered a chief executive to compensate his ex-wife $27,000 for unfairly sacking her from their start-up, finding he used the COVID-19 downturn to "disguise" her dismissal as a redundancy soon after they separated.

FWO falls short in contractor case

A court has thrown out an FWO underpayment case on behalf of four delivery drivers it argued were employees rather than independent contractors, the judge narrowly finding that all parties intended to operate at arm's length when originally formalising their relationship.

Employer whacked $18K for dodging underpayment notice

In a ruling reinforcing the wisdom of heeding FWO compliance notices, an online directory and its director have despite pleas they would be "crippled" been fined more than $18,000 for failing to rectify underpayments on time.

Union seeks to reverse BHP vax mandate

The CFMMEU's mining and energy division has asked the FWC to halt the rollout of BHP's mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy at the Mt Arthur open cut coal mine in the Hunter Valley, claiming it is not a lawful and reasonable direction.

Judge puts FWC member on notice over vax views

A Supreme Court judge has slapped down a FWC presidential member's "clarion call" for Australians to "vigorously" reject the notion of mandatory COVID-19 jabs, questioning her assertions about the efficacy of vaccines and declaring it is not her role to challenge the validity or appropriateness of public health orders.

"Suspicions of foul play" no basis for sacking: FWC

A medical recruiter that sacked a manager over an "under-investigated suspicion" he took confidential information from its database must compensate him after the FWC found it was so focused on building a Supreme Court case it failed to provide procedural fairness.

Truckies' strike still on cards as TWU chases full deck

The TWU says it has reached in-principle agreements with four more big trucking and logistics companies as it continues campaigning against "Amazon-driven" outsourcing, while warning three remaining targets they face strikes this week.