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Patrick looks to guillotine wharf strikes

Patrick Terminals has on the basis of a claimed threat to the national economy applied to terminate industrial action by MUA members at its four container terminals, increasing pressure on the union to reach a new enterprise agreement.

Business part-frozen over confidentiality questions

An online retailer that allegedly hired a competitor's employees is facing a "significant" financial hit after the Federal Court blocked it from selling substantially the same products until it can determine whether the workers shared confidential information about Chinese suppliers.

Hearing date set for BHP vax mandate challenge

The FWC will hear the CFMMEU's challenge to BHP's mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy later this month after deciding the matter is significant enough to invite IR Minister Michaelia Cash, the ACTU and peak employer bodies to intervene.

We're not the only on-demand employer: Menulog

Food delivery business Menulog has told the FWC that some couriers working for its competitors might be engaged under employment contracts rather than as independent contractors.

"Sheep shagger" not a racial slur: Court

A plumbing company has been ordered to pay $50,000 to a Maori truck driver regularly racially abused by a co-director, a judge however rejecting that being called a "sheep shagger" formed part of the discrimination.

FWC's reasons for upholding sacking to remain a mystery

The FWC has upheld the sacking of a Westpac manager who only learned of the reason for her summary dismissal after the tribunal issued confidentiality orders restricting its own ability to publish details of the case.

Tribunal won't swallow marijuana cookies claim

The FWC has refused to accept a worker's claim that he tested almost 20 times over the limit for the psychoactive compound THC because he unknowingly ingested up to three marijuana cookies from a plate of food taken home from a 40th birthday party.

Qantas mask mandate lawful and reasonable: FWC

The FWC has found that Qantas did not constructively dismiss a cabin crew member when it insisted, despite a doctor's advice to exempt her, that she wear a face mask or shield ahead of them being required under public health directives.

Court full bench repels third-party suppression bid

A full Federal Court has knocked back a Transport for NSW bid to prevent disclosure of tender documents and other evidence in the RTBU's challenge to an FWC finding that a privatised Sydney bus service is a genuine new enterprise that can be covered by a greenfields agreement.

Patrick bid to quash deal "amounts to bullying": MUA

The MUA has accused Patrick of "bullying" after the stevedore yesterday applied to the FWC to terminate its nominally-expired union deal to break a 20-month bargaining deadlock amid a round of strikes at its container terminals in four states.