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225 articles are classified in All Articles > Worker type > Casual

Rossato ruling puts FWC on hold over gig economy appeal

The High Court's Rossato judgment is already having a knock-on effect, with a FWC full bench questioning its effect on Deliveroo's appeal of a finding that a rider was an employee and proposing not to determine it until the High Court decides two more cases.

Bartender assaulted by manager awarded $150,000

A tribunal has ordered a restaurant manager accused of drugging and raping a bartender to pay aggravated and other damages of $150,000, after leaving the vulnerable international student too traumatised to keep working in the hospitality sector.

High Court's Rossato decision rewrites the rules: Experts

IR academics say the High Court's "revolutionary" approach in Rossato signals an intention to rewrite the rules for determining employment status, with potentially dire consequences for gig workers and others seeking to challenge their characterisation.

Employers effusive after High Court's black letter ruling

Employers once said to be facing up to $38 billion in casuals' backpay claims have welcomed today's High Court confirmation that contracts are decisive in determining employment types, while workers' representatives have come out swinging.

High Court overturns Rossato ruling

The High Court has today unanimously upheld labour hire company Workpac's challenge to a finding that coal mineworker Robert Rossato was entitled to paid leave while engaged as a casual on consecutive contracts for almost four years.

Newsflash: High Court to hand down Rossato judgment

The High Court will next Wednesday hand down its much-anticipated judgment in labour hire company Workpac's challenge to a finding that coal mineworker Robert Rossato had an entitlement to paid leave while engaged as a casual on consecutive contracts for almost four years.

First conversion dispute ruling finds worker ineligible

A WA TAFE worker among the first out of the blocks to test the Fair Work Act's new casual conversion provisions in the FWC has lost her bid to have the tribunal deal with her permanency dispute because she does not work for a national system employer.

Bench endorses employer's "commendable" sacking process

A FWC full bench has upheld a finding that a Toll health and safety representative was not entitled to be paid for attending the disciplinary meetings of another HSR, or grabbing a coffee after, and was after a "commendable" process rightfully sacked for falsifying his timesheets.

Bench rules on casual terms in awards

A five-member FWC full bench led by President Iain Ross has today largely confirmed its provisional views on casual terms in modern awards.

Employment relationship not broken by resignation: FWC

A five-day hiatus between resigning from a fixed-term position and re-starting the same job on a casual basis did not break the minimum employment period necessary for a worker to challenge her dismissal, the FWC has found.