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225 articles are classified in All Articles > Worker type > Casual

"Theft" case errors not significant enough: Bench

A FWC bench has upheld a ruling that a club unfairly sacked a casual duty manager after accusing her of stealing a drink, but not before rejecting a presidential member's finding that the "theft" needed to be established "beyond reasonable doubt" and that the employer used an "intimidatory" dismissal process.

Nurses seeking LSL broke continuity of service: Court

The Federal Court has held that two Victorian public sector nurses broke their continuous service while taking time off to have children and recover from surgery as casuals, dismissing an ANMF bid to sue a health service for denying them long service leave.

Criticising bosses on chat group a sackable offence: FWC

A supervisor's criticism of management in a social media group chat that "incit[ed] a negative and combative environment among the team", along with performance issues, provided a valid basis for dismissing her, the FWC has found.

Familiar Seek ad provides reason for late application: FWC

The FWC has waved through a worker's late unfair dismissal application after accepting that it took seeing a job advertisement closely mirroring her role to crystallise doubts about whether she had genuinely been made redundant.

Aldi clause circumvents same-job, same-pay rules: SDA

The SDA is urging the FWC to rule that labour hire clauses in a proposed Aldi agreement are invalid because they circumvent the same-job, same-pay provisions recently introduced into the Fair Work Act.

FWO secures $75K AA penalty against sandstone university

A court has accepted that Melbourne University threatened two casual workers that "if you claim outside your contracted hours don't expect work next year" and when one worker tried to claim five additional hours it refused to further engage her, calling her a "self-entitled Y-genner" on a "crusade behind the scenes".

Casual worker prompts clarification of award terms

A casual real estate agent's application has spurred the FWC to vary the industry's award to clarify working hours and associated car allowances, accepting evidence that he had not been paid for the time involved in travelling up to 100 kilometres directly from home to conduct open inspections.

No fast lane for Lattouf's unlawful dismissal case

Media host and writer Antoinette Lattouf has failed to have the ABC's jurisdictional objections to her unlawful dismissal case referred directly to a FWC full bench, despite arguing that she will appeal an unfavourable finding and that she "anticipates" that the broadcaster will do the same.

Lattouf opens up second front in ABC stoush

Lawyers for media host and writer Antoinette Lattouf have taken her high-profile departure from the ABC to the Federal Court, alleging she was unlawfully sacked in breach of the ABC's enterprise agreement.

Intractable bargaining changes in place after Act's assent

New provisions for intractable bargaining workplace determinations have taken effect after the Closing Loopholes No 2 Act yesterday received Royal Assent, while other key provisions, such as the right to disconnect and the new definition of casual employment, are set to begin in late August.