Labour hire/on hire page 5 of 17

168 articles are classified in All Articles > Worker type > Labour hire/on hire

Sacked worker let down by IR advisor: FWC

The FWC has lamented the "failings" of an IR advisory business that wrongly told an on-hire worker to bring his general protections claim against his host employer.

Regulator wins large court fine for labour hire licensing breach

The Victorian Supreme Court has fined a former labour hire company and its director almost half a million dollars for failing to disclose that he had criminal convictions for offences including drug trafficking and theft.

BHP punted on-hire worker for exercising safety rights: Court

BHP Coal is facing penalties and compensation payments for unlawfully "demobilising" a labour hire truck driver shortly after she refused to dump a load in a poorly-lit area, while it is also accused of "sophistry" in arguing that she had not properly addressed its potential motives.

HR's efforts fail to avert severance payment obligations

A Fair Work Commission full bench has upheld a finding that a labour hire company must make redundancy payments to a dozen employees, detailing the steps made by its chief people officer but ruling it didn't do enough to procure alternative employment for its workforce.

Don't prescribe direct employment in aged care: PC

In findings unlikely to get a good reception in Canberra, the Productivity Commission has come down firmly against the federal government adopting a policy of preferring direct employment in the aged care sector.

"Dodgy" labour suppliers in new MP's sights

A former coal miner who is the new Federal Labor member for Hunter has used his first speech to call out "dodgy labour-hire arrangements", while praising the government's "same job, same pay" agenda.

Coal strike threat after protracted BHP bargaining talks

The CFMMEU's mining & energy division is seeking authorisation from members to take industrial action as it pursues the replacement of the biggest enterprise agreement in the Queensland coalfields, after losing patience with BHP in FWC-brokered negotiations.

ACTU urges One Nation to drop labour hire bill

The ACTU has urged One Nation Senator Malcolm Roberts to abandon his private member's bill that seeks to have labour hire workers under certain awards paid the same as those directly-employed and to instead try to achieve his aims through the "same job, same pay" provisions in Labor's promised legislative amendments.

Qantas lands deals, but turbulence on horizon

Qantas has secured new deals with freight pilots and unlicenced aircraft engineers but the threat of turmoil looms, with licensed engineers voting to stop work, ground crew considering it and the FAAA claiming domestic fight attendants are facing ultimatums.

Blacklist harassment perpetrators, inquiry recommends

WA's parliamentary inquiry into sexual harassment of female workers in the FIFO mining sector has recommended that the industry ensure there are "serious repercussions" for perpetrators, keep a blacklist of perpetrators to stop them simply moving to other sites and rebalance the proportion of direct and indirect hires to reduce risks.