Labour hire/on hire page 16 of 17

168 articles are classified in All Articles > Worker type > Labour hire/on hire

FWC applies anti-bullying order to full replacement workforce

In a bid to protect the identities of five labour hire workers seeking anti-bullying orders against picketers at a Melbourne brewery, the FWC has issued interim orders banning union officials and members from approaching or harassing a replacement workforce.

Union slams enforceable undertaking as "no deterrent"

The ETU has expressed outrage at an FWO enforceable undertaking requiring a company to donate $50,000 to a migrant community charity and overhaul its recruitment practices after workers from the Philippines were threatened with dismissal if they joined a union.

Labour hire company unable to "abrogate responsibility" for dismissal

The FWC has found a labour hire company responsible for unfairly dismissing a factory worker it withdrew from Nestle after the confectionery giant wrongly concluded she was guilty of a clocking-off violation and said she was no longer required.

Turnbull has chance to get IR bills up in Senate: Forsyth

The Turnbull Coalition Government will have a better chance of achieving its IR legislative agenda and won't need to "run dead" on IR as an Abbott Government would have in the lead-up to the next election, an IR academic has told a Canberra forum.

Victoria labour hire inquiry to consider licensing system

A Victorian Government inquiry that begins today will consider introducing a licensing system to accredit labour hire agencies, and will also look into insecure work, visa abuse and sham contracting arrangements.

Circuit Court questions FWBC building company prosecution

The Federal Circuit Court has questioned why the FWBC chose not to prosecute the director of a phoenixed bricklaying company that failed to pay correct pay and entitlements to several "daily hire" workers.