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Extending zombie deals shouldn't dampen negotiations: Bench

A FWC full bench has trimmed a union-sought extension to three zombie deals covering more than 500 IT workers after factoring in the Secure Jobs legislation's inherent "policy preference" for agreements negotiated under the Fair Work Act.

Blank form a valid application: Tribunal

In a significant decision on what constitutes a valid application, the FWC has allowed a general protections claim to proceed despite the worker submitting a blank form.

UFU to test Secure Jobs deadlock-breaking power

FWC President Adam Hatcher will convene a directions hearing on Wednesday for what might be the first substantive test of the Secure Jobs' intractable bargaining declaration provisions, after the United Firefighters Union sought to break an impasse with Fire Rescue Victoria over wage rises for thousands of firefighters.

Failure to confirm dismissal counts against employer

The FWC has extended time for a worker to lodge an adverse action case after he mistakenly filed an unfair dismissal claim, finding his refusal to sign his employer's letter terminating his employment did not excuse its subsequent failure to provide written confirmation.

Employer not liable for tortious urination incident

The High Court has held that an employer is not vicariously liable for an injury to a resort worker from his colleague urinating on him after returning drunk to a studio they had to share.

Umpire roasts Qube for backtracking on deal

The FWC has panned rail operator Qube for "reneging" on an in-principle enterprise deal with the RTBU, after rejecting the union's bid to terminate industrial action that allegedly presented a threat to community safety and welfare.

Stressed worker's resignation should have been questioned: FWC

One of the world's largest gold mining companies should have taken a worker's stress levels into account before accepting a resignation prompted by an allergic reaction to eating a cake's icing, the FWC has found.

Suggestive singing amounted to harassment

A UK tribunal has found that a male manager harassed a male worker by touching him inappropriately and suggestively singing a song about propositioning someone for s-x.

Sacked train driver acted in self-defence: FWC

The FWC has reinstated a train driver sacked for kicking and grappling with a stranger on a station concourse while on his way to work, after finding the employer failed to properly weigh his right to defend himself from attack.

Employer slugged $53K after ignoring FWC "recommendation"

In a powerful demonstration of the consequences of ignoring FWC recommendations, a court has ordered an employer to pay more than $50,000 in penalties and compensation after it failed to act on a commissioner's call to provide a teacher with details of an investigation before sacking her for allegedly tugging the earlobes of two students.