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1827 articles are classified in All Articles > Worker type > Employee

Worker wins more time to contest "harassment" sacking

The FWC will consider the late unfair dismissal claim of a worker who believes his employer sacked him for alleged sexual harassment, after receiving evidence that five law firms rejected his case on one day alone.

Catholic school workers vote down "punitive" deal

Queensland Catholic school teachers and support staff have rejected an employer deal by a narrow margin after the IEU labelled it "punitive" and warned of major cuts, while staff in Religious Institute and Edmund Rice schools have convincingly voted up their unilateral offer.

FWC backs post-separation dismissal of director's wife

The FWC has upheld a business owner's on-the-spot sacking of his newly separated-wife when she refused to hand over an account password, finding their interpersonal conflict and her failure to follow directions trumped a flawed dismissal process.

Red union president facing sack after appeal fails

The president of a nursing "red union" faces the sack from her hospital job after failing to persuade an appeal court that unauthorised media comments fell under protected industrial activity.

Lesser LSL entitlement warrants extending zombie AWA

A FWC full bench has extended a CBA worker's AWA because reverting to the enterprise agreement would reduce her long service leave pay by more than $17,000, but it refused the bank's request to keep the details of the individual contract confidential.

"Deeply flawed" process after harassment claim: FWC

The FWC has ordered the reinstatement of a dump truck driver dismissed after a "deeply flawed" investigation into allegations he exposed a female trainee to explicit images while passing around his phone.

Wrong test applied over workplace fight case: Bench

A FWC member incorrectly apportioned the burden of proof and applied the wrong test for "reasonable" self-defence in ordering reinstatement of a train driver sacked after fighting with a stranger on a station concourse, a full bench has found.

Worker taken into remand loses job in "fortuitously rare case": FWC

The FWC might refer a "regrettable, expensive and damaging episode" to the South Australian Correctional Services Department, after it failed to allow a worker on remand to contact his employer, and the employer dismissed him for failing to attend work.

FWC puts Chevron IBD bid on ice after peace deal

In the wake of Chevron and unions backing a FWC recommendation to resolve their bargaining dispute, a FWC full bench has today temporarily adjourned the company's intractable bargaining declaration application, but has left the door open for unions to file a strike-out motion.

Agreements must include pay rates: FWC bench

A FWC full bench has confirmed that it can only approve enterprise agreements that include rates of pay, because their absence prevents it determining whether the deal passes the BOOT.