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Loopholes Bill nobbles umpire: BHP

BHP has accused the Albanese Government of "blatantly" seeking to undermine the FWC's independent decision-making by declaring the company's Operations Services internal labour hire arm a key target of the Closing Loopholes legislation.

SDA chided for "suboptimal" approach to McDonald's class action

A judge who rejected a SDA bid to prioritise its breaks case against McDonald's by staying an earlier RAFFWU-backed class action has contrasted the "lacklustre and misdirected approach" of the country's second-largest union with that of the unregistered, seven-year-old union and its lawyers.

Strikes loom as Sydney Water workers reject proposed deal

Sydney Water is facing potential industrial action as early as tomorrow, with unions this morning expected to tell the FWC that members have rejected the tribunal's recommended deal to settle their bargaining dispute.

Chevron "disappointed" as unions prepare for strikes, bans

Chevron is accusing unions of ignoring a FWC recommendation to halt industrial action set to begin on Thursday while negotiations continue today before Commissioner Bernie Riordan to iron out differences that emerged after the parties reached a settlement on September 22.

Loopholes bill fails to deliver contractor exclusion: AREEA

Resources employer group AREEA says the Loopholes Bill's labour hire provisions lack a proper exemption for specialist contractors and will kill off the use of on-hire workers, despite Workplace Relations Minister Tony Burke's assurances that the drafting would take "very full account" of its concerns.

FWC overturns summary sacking for "confidentiality" breach

The FWC has ordered a Gold Coast cabaret club to compensate two workers it sacked after intercepting private social media discussions about a colleague's pay, finding it treated them like they had broken into its equivalent of the Watergate complex to expose key secrets over WikiLeaks.

DP World considering options as further strife looms

DP World is calling on the MUA to call off further protected action at the company's container terminals from Sunday to enable further bargaining negotiations, warning it is actively looking into "alternatives" to maintain services.

Sacked mine COO protected under Australian law: FWC

In a significant decision for Australian companies hiring workers overseas, the FWC has allowed an Argentina-based chief operating officer's adverse action case to proceed after finding the employment contract was formed when an email accepting the job offer was opened in Sydney.