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Employee compensated for "callous" post-merger dismissal

An accounts officer who returned from leave to find her desk had been cleared has been awarded $7690 in compensation for her employer's "callous act" in making her redundant without any warning or consultation.

Husband's Slack attack no reason for dismissal: FWC

The FWC has lambasted an employer's outdated views on marriage after it sacked an IT specialist whose husband railed against its managing director via team messaging application Slack, but nonetheless slashed her payout by $56,000 on re-hearing her unfair dismissal application.

Error-stricken air traffic controller's dismissal stayed

The FWC has halted the dismissal of an air traffic controller who in the space of two months assigned the wrong runway and "lost" separation of aircraft at Sydney Airport, finding that "questions of fact" around the employer's obligation to manage his performance needed to first be settled.

Company too quick to find worker abandoned job: FWC

In a reminder to employers to double-check before assuming a worker has abandoned their employment, a business must pay $7000 to an ex-employee after it withdrew his visa sponsorship over an unexplained three-day absence that turned out to be GP-recommended stress leave.

Court reinstates executive who ran afoul of HR manager

A company has been forced to reinstate a long-serving senior executive it sacked more than three years ago following his stoush with an HR manager, while also facing a bill of more than $1 million in back pay, long service leave, penalties and compensation.

"Honest" directors culpable for $1.1 million underpayments

In a second-time-around ruling on accessorial liability, "exceptionally brilliant" inventor Kia Silverbrook and partner/fellow company director Janette Lee have this time failed to convince a court that they were not knowingly concerned in underpaying workers more than $1 million.

Sackings upheld despite "minimalist" workplace culture

The FWC has told an employer that it must accept responsibility for a "suboptimal" workplace culture that it could have reset before sacking two senior wharf workers who verbally abused a female colleague, but it upheld their dismissals for behaviour that "crossed the line".

Chief executive dismissed after failing to win injunction

The NSW Supreme Court has refused to make an interim order to stop a major NSW local government authority from sacking its chief executive on the basis of a review of the "authenticity" of his claimed work experience, qualifications and job references.

Sacked bus driver stopped once too often

The FWC has upheld the dismissal of a bus driver who said he left schoolchildren stranded at a bus stop and told passengers to walk because he was too stressed to keep working.