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Tribunal won't swallow marijuana cookies claim

The FWC has refused to accept a worker's claim that he tested almost 20 times over the limit for the psychoactive compound THC because he unknowingly ingested up to three marijuana cookies from a plate of food taken home from a 40th birthday party.

Qantas mask mandate lawful and reasonable: FWC

The FWC has found that Qantas did not constructively dismiss a cabin crew member when it insisted, despite a doctor's advice to exempt her, that she wear a face mask or shield ahead of them being required under public health directives.

Ross sidelines Dean after vaccination case dissent

FWC President Iain Ross wrote to Deputy President Lyndall Dean after her controversial dissent in the Kimber compulsory vaccination ruling and alerted IR Minister Michaelia Cash to the correspondence, a Senate committee heard this evening.

Police fail in tribunal vax challenge, but win in court

Queensland police officers have failed to convince a Queensland IRC full bench that the Police Commissioner failed to consult them on a COVID-19 vaccine workforce mandate or lacked power to issue it, but the State's Supreme Court has opened the way for another challenge.

Litigants say vax mandates breach human rights charter

Victoria's Supreme Court is this morning livestreaming a hearing into a major challenge to mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations, with more than 100 health, construction and education workers and others arguing it breaches the State's Human Rights Charter.

Union seeks to reverse BHP vax mandate

The CFMMEU's mining and energy division has asked the FWC to halt the rollout of BHP's mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy at the Mt Arthur open cut coal mine in the Hunter Valley, claiming it is not a lawful and reasonable direction.

Judge puts FWC member on notice over vax views

A Supreme Court judge has slapped down a FWC presidential member's "clarion call" for Australians to "vigorously" reject the notion of mandatory COVID-19 jabs, questioning her assertions about the efficacy of vaccines and declaring it is not her role to challenge the validity or appropriateness of public health orders.

Hugging teacher fails to win back job

An FWC full bench has today found errors in a ruling that upheld a private school's sacking of a 52-year-old teacher for hugging students and other misdeeds, but has refused to overturn it.

Newsflash: High Court throws out challenge by JCU's Ridd

In a significant ruling on academic free speech, the High Court has today unanimously upheld James Cook University's right to dismiss academic Peter Ridd for breaching its conduct code when he denounced its climate change research.

Bullying ruling exposes flaws on both sides

In an "unusual" case against a senior HR officer and an operations manager accused of bullying an area manager who "over-reacted" to a restructure, the FWC says it will close the matter if all agree to a host of recommendations or it will seek more evidence to continue the case.