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299 articles are classified in All Articles > 2020 coronavirus pandemic > Case law

Worker "put the knife" into HR manager: Tribunal

The FWC has rejected a long-serving worker's portrayal of herself as a "victim" of powerful HR forces, finding her displeasure at being asked to account for money raised for a deceased colleague's family led her into serious misconduct.

Consultation required before coronavirus layoff: FWC

A Melbourne hotel that claimed an inability to engage in face-to-face discussions before making a chef redundant during the city's second COVID-19 lockdown must compensate her for unfair dismissal, after falling foul of award consultation obligations.

"Late starter" denied flexitime: Claim

A worker who describes herself as a "late starter" is seeking either reinstatement or almost $1 million, claiming the Defence Department dismissed her for numerous prohibited reasons including her age and complaints about being denied flexible working hours.

Tribunal finds fault with major builder's HR processes

The FWC has upbraided construction company Hansen Yuncken for its "callous" and unfair sacking of a "naïve" trainee who nonetheless provided it with a valid reason by insisting on indefinite unpaid leave to avoid lengthy public transport commutes during COVID-19.

HR manager subjected to musical chairs before sacking: Claim

An HR manager is suing a biotechnology company for humiliating high-rotation desk moves and allegedly hiring a superior for her to report to as a "contrivance" to make her role redundant after she raised pandemic-related OHS and JobKeeper issues.

BHP subsidiary undermining bargaining: FWC

A BHP subsidiary has been hit with a slew of bargaining orders after an FWC presidential member found it repeatedly shifted the goalposts over two years to delay making an agreement with coal mine supervisors.

Tribunal backs workers after virus-driven stand down

The FWC has ordered an aged care provider to restore leave days to employees it directed to stay away from work over COVID-19 transmission fears, observing "it's just the right thing to do".

Test case looms on mandatory vaccinations

In a case likely to be closely watched by employers considering mandatory coronavirus vaccinations, the FWC will probe whether Ozcare unfairly sacked a long serving care assistant who refused a compulsory flu shot on allergy grounds, while the Commission has also weighed-in on the contentious issue of compulsory jabs for Santas.

Bench again declines paid pandemic leave bid

A five-member FWC full bench has confirmed the provisional view it reached in August last year that there is not a strong enough case, with the COVID-19 pandemic relatively well-controlled in Australia, to insert paid pandemic in awards covering paramedics and NDIS, home care and patient transport workers.

Spirit of JobKeeper favoured retaining worker: FWC

The FWC has found employers are not obliged to keep workers on the payroll because of JobKeeper's availability, but has awarded a manager compensation for unfair dismissal that included 24 weeks of the job subsidy, because retaining him would have been "entirely consistent" with the scheme's objectives.