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Qantas fails to narrow scope of outsourcing judgment

The Federal Court has today declared that its ruling last month in favour of a TWU adverse action claim against Qantas over the outsourcing of ground handling at 10 ports applies to all employees, not just union members.

Court reduces shortchanging fine due to lockdown impacts

A court has accepted that it should impose a reduced underpayment penalty on an employer and its director because last year's extended coronavirus lockdown in Melbourne significantly reduced the size and financial resources of the business.

Stand down compensation after "more valuable" workers favoured

In a decision highlighting the challenges facing employers attempting to manage stand-downs during the pandemic, the FWC has ordered a global aviation ground services company to compensate a part-time worker after favouring more valued employees.

Newsflash: Union wins Qantas outsourcing case

In a case expected to have "far reaching consequences", the TWU has won its Federal Court adverse action case against Qantas over its shunning of the union's in-house bid when the airline decided to outsource the work of 2000 ground-handlers.

FWC puts hospitality loaded rates firmly on menu

Higher-paid hospitality workers appear set to have their overtime and penalty payments rolled up into loaded rates after a FWC full bench yesterday provisionally supported employers' push to vary the sector's award.

Mental health condition warrants extending time: FWC

An Uber driver accused of deliberately driving into a customer has won extra time to file an unfair dismissal claim after the FWC accepted suicidal ideation and mental incapacity following his shunting from the platform amounted to exceptional circumstances.

Ousted over safety concerns, claims casino jet pilot

A pilot engaged to fly casino VIPs in luxury private jets is accusing employer ExecuJet of standing him down for a year and sacking him, while others kept working, because he questioned the safety of international flights during the pandemic.

FWC favours renewing COVID-19 flexibility in key award

The FWC has tentatively decided, of its own motion, to reinstate a COVID-19 flexibility schedule to the graphic arts award, after it received an incompetent application from an industry representative body.

FWC decries "unedifying" motivation in seniority case

The FWC has avoided "unconscionable injustice" to a female Qantas pilot, finding it lacked the power to deal with colleagues' belated challenge to her seniority during a COVID-19-driven "every man for themselves" scramble for the lifeboats.

FWC rejects driver's breathalyser-fail explanation

The FWC has upheld a Qube subsidiary's sacking of a truck driver who blamed a positive blood alcohol reading on sucking on three-quarters of a 10-pack of Anticol cough lozenges to counter a dry throat.