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Unregistered unions seek to join anti-mandate case

Two newly-incorporated associations of NSW paramedics and nurses want to join a legal challenge to the State's vaccination mandate for health workers, the NSW Supreme Court heard today.

Anti-mandate workers fail in Gladys subpoena bid

Workers challenging NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard's ability to force them to be vaccinated have failed to subpoena Premier Gladys Berejiklian for documents she took into account when stating this month that it is "not in our power" to mandate inoculations.

Qantas seeks to delay ruling on outsourced jobs

The Federal Court is expected to rule this morning on a Qantas application to stay its decision on a remedy - including the possibility of reinstatement - for almost 1700 ground crew whose jobs the airline outsourced earlier this year.

Court heads off CFMMEU's subterranean turf bid

The CFMMEU has failed in an interlocutory court bid to enter tunnelling sites at Brisbane's $5 billion Cross River Rail Project, in the midst of a demarcation dispute with the AWU.

Pandemic savings drove outsourcing move: Qantas

Qantas, in its challenge to a crucial recent Federal Court adverse action ruling, says its sole motivation for outsourcing the jobs of about 1700 ground crew was its lawful commercial reason of saving $100 million a year during a global pandemic.

FWC pulls trigger on loaded rates for hospitality industry

Hospitality industry employers have won approval to roll up overtime, penalty and split-shift rates for full-time higher-paid workers after a FWC full bench rejected union concerns that changing the award for a small cohort could leave a broader group of employees worse off.

Director's criticism overheard in bathroom: Employer body

WA's peak employer body says COVID-19 prompted it to extend the probationary period of a commercial services director instead of sacking her, before she allegedly shared details of a confidential performance discussion while criticising colleagues in the workplace toilets.

Late application allowed after children's secrecy over sacking

The FWC has allowed a delivery driver's late unfair dismissal application to proceed after finding that his adult children kept news of his sacking from him over health concerns while he completed two weeks' hotel quarantine.

FWC backs Qantas grounding of over-age flight crew

The FWC has upheld the dismissal of two Qantas pilots unable to fly internationally after turning 65, drawing parallels with the tribunal's retirement policy while finding it might have been "considerate" to keep them in the departure lounge while they awaited a move to short-haul.

Courtroom "theatre" best for assessing witnesses: Judge

A judge weighing the pros and cons of conducting an adverse action trial via Microsoft Teams has decided to delay it until he can assess witness credibility in person, in a courtroom providing its "own chemistry and theatre".