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391 articles are classified in All Articles > 2020 coronavirus pandemic > Unions

Qantas outsourcing strategy aimed to curb union power: TWU

In a Federal Court adverse action case seeking to stop Qantas sacking 2000 ground-handling workers and outsourcing their duties, the TWU claims the airline shunned its in-house bid to avoid agreement conditions and diminish the union's influence.

Qantas case to "put outsourcing on trial": Bornstein

Maurice Blackburn Lawyers will today file a Federal Court test case for the TWU that alleges the Qantas decision to contract-out ground-handling duties performed by 2000 workers amounted to unlawful adverse action.

Bill seeks to extend JobKeeper flexibilities

IR Minister Christian Porter has flagged that the IR omnibus legislation to be introduced tomorrow will seek to further extend the workplace flexibilities rolled out as part of the JobKeeper wage subsidy beyond the current sunset of late March.

Virgin goes direct to pilots, after union talks fail

Virgin Australia will unilaterally seek support from its flight crew for a new enterprise deal, after failing to secure backing from its two pilot unions, while agreements for the remainder of the workforce have received the blessing of unions as the best they could achieve to get the relaunched airline back aloft.

COVID-19 a chance to rebuild worker trust, inclusiveness: Kochan

A leading international IR academic has called for optimism and political courage to forge a new post-pandemic social contract designed to build more productive and resilient economies while rebuilding worker trust and making workplaces more inclusive.

Wharfies should have heeded health chief's COVID advice: FWC

The FWC has found the MUA should have followed the NSW chief medical officer's advice to return to the docks after OHS representatives issued a "cease work" order in response to wharfies contracting COVID-19 in the early stages of the pandemic.

Labor to debate IR platform in March

The ALP will consider its IR platform at a "virtual" national conference in late March next year, possibly just ahead of an early Federal election, while the ACTU's next triennial congress is also likely to go online.

No accord on awards after IR roundtables

An internal ACTU report says that employers and unions involved in the Morrison Government's IR working groups ended up at loggerheads over proposals to overhaul the award system, but found common cause on using shared data on award pay rates and entitlements.