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ACTU renews push for paid domestic violence leave

The ACTU has asked FWC President Iain Ross to urgently review the tribunal's rejection in 2018 of its bid for 10 days paid family and domestic violence leave, due to a rising incidence during the coronavirus pandemic.

Employers seeking minimum wage freezes, delays

Employer bodies are asking the FWC's minimum way panel to freeze minimum rates, limit any rises to CPI or to follow last year's precedent and postpone any increases.

FWC shoots down COVID-19 "one employer policy"

The FWC has shot down an aged care home's "one employer policy" introduced in the chaotic early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, ordering it to re-engage a part-time musical therapist jettisoned after she continued to work at three other facilities.

Cash in, Porter out after reshuffle

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has today stripped Christian Porter of his IR and Attorney-General's portfolios and handed them to Senator Michaelia Cash, who has been acting in the roles.

FWC calls time on paid pandemic leave

Paid pandemic leave for aged care workers looks set to end this month after a five-member FWC bench concluded that the "emergency circumstances" that impelled it to make award changes in the first place no longer exist.

Tribunal delays union contest over Qantas pilots

The FWC has decided to stay elements of an AFAP rule change decision that enables it to compete with AIPA to represent all Qantas mainline pilots, unless it gives an undertaking today that it won't encourage them to join until the determination of an appeal.

Give early jabs to wider cohort of frontline workers: ACTU

The ACTU is urging the Morrison Government to expand the early access phases of the coronavirus vaccine to include "high-risk" jobs performed by supermarket workers, teachers, public transport operators and airport security workers.

Bench to hear opposing views on expediting flexibility proposal

The FWC will this morning deal with objections to the fast-tracking of a joint union and Master Grocers Australia flexible hours award variation for part-time retail workers, and calls to join the bid with a "far more meritorious" ABI and NSW Business Chamber proposal.

Irish code to address "always on call" working culture

As COVID-19 amplifies pressure for workers to have greater rights to "disconnect" outside of working hours, the Irish Government has asked its Workplace Relations Commission to develop a code of practice to promote the practice.

"Glaring holes" in joint proposal to tackle casualisation: RAFFWU

RAFFWU expects to oppose a "disastrous" joint union and Master Grocers Australia proposal to let part-time retail workers put in more hours without earning overtime, but the ACTU says it will help them lock in increased hours while combating surging casualisation.