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Telstra "bent over backwards" for vax-objector: FWC

As Telstra next week prepares to defend a Federal Court class action on behalf of employees who refused to comply with its COVID-19 vaccination policy, the FWC has held that it met consultation requirements and "bent over backwards" to ensure fairness before sacking a worker with a moral objection to being jabbed.

FWC member stands aside from hearing vax dispute

A FWC commissioner has recused himself from hearing a vax-hesitant university worker's dispute after accepting that views he expressed during unsuccessful conciliation raised doubts about his impartiality.

Compensation for youth worker sacked after vax reaction

A Victorian government youth justice worker sacked for not having further COVID-19 vaccination shots after reacting adversely to his first dose has won compensation, the FWC finding the department should have explored redeployment and reasonable adjustments.

Worker compensated after alleged "unethical" request

The FWC has resisted speculating about whether an unvaccinated FIFO worker lost his job for refusing to "steal" a competitor's new product from a BHP mine site, but has nevertheless ordered his former employer to pay compensation after finding he could have been redeployed to its Perth workshop.

Employer told to cough up for testing time

In a significant decision on the nature of work, the FWC has found that the nursing home at the centre of one of Queensland's deadliest COVID-19 outbreaks should have paid employees for the time spent taking rapid antigen tests before the start of their shifts.

Vax policy put pressure on workers: FWC

A senior FWC member has described a public transport agency's vaccination policy as "pressur[ing]" workers to "give up [the] fundamental right" to bodily integrity, before ordering it to pay five train drivers sidelined because of their non-compliance.