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CPSU canvassing DEWR employees on latest offer

The CPSU is seeking feedback from members in DEWR about a revised bargaining offer from the Department that would boost bonuses paid to high performers and ameliorate proposed reductions in conditions.

Queensland legislates against family discrimination

The Queensland Government has today introduced new anti-discrimination legislation protecting breastfeeding mothers and parents who need to take time off work to meet family needs.

Pay rises at five-year high

Wages are increasing at 4.2% a year - a five-year high - in major federal enterprise agreements registered in the September quarter, according to a HSBC Economics forecast.

AIG damns Abbott's Victoria bill

The AIG is expected tomorrow at a Senate inquiry to slam WR Minister Tony Abbott's Victorian workers bill, arguing it unfairly maintains the State's two-tier system of employment regulation.

Union wins after activating CHAOS strategy

An American union has won a bargaining dispute, after running a radical boycott campaign that had the potential to seriously damage the business of a major employer.

Channel Seven to bypass unions with vote

Unions have launched a vigorous "vote no" campaign against Channel Seven's latest bargaining offer, after the broadcaster announced last week it would bypass unions and put the deal directly to the 1,000 employees.

Unfair dismissal update, November 5, 2002

Sacked security guard reinstated despite slapping and verbally abusing patient; Mobile phone misuse by suspended worker doesn't justify summary dismissal; vexatious claim one of worst abuses of process; Australia Post unfair in dismissing confused worker; confidentiality breach justified sacking; and more in a roundup of recent unfair dismissal rulings.

AMMA calls for bipartisan IR position

The Australian Mines & Metals Association has pleaded for all sides of politics to recognise the need for non-union individual and collective agreement systems, as the pendulum swings back to more union-friendly Labor governments across the country.

Drunk driver unfairly dismissed, says NSW IRC

Sydney Water unfairly dismissed a worker who drank heavily while on call and then drove a work vehicle the next day when his blood alcohol reading was still double the legal limit, the NSW IRC has found.

IR to feature in Victorian election

Industrial relations is set to be a major issue in the November 30 Victorian election, with the State Opposition determined to impress on voters that unions are calling the shots for Labor.