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AIRC finds holes in Bulga retrenchments

The CFMEU has had a partial win in the AIRC, after claiming that Bulga Coal Pty Ltd unfairly retrenched several workers in breach of seniority principles.

Is God an employer?

South Australia's top court has left the door open on whether a minister of religion can have an employment relationship with a church.

Crucial Emwest ruling goes to appeal

In an important Federal Court ruling on whether a non-party can mount a challenge, the Australian Industry Group has today won leave to appeal against the Federal Court's Emwest decision.

2003: bargaining hotting up

2003 is shaping up as an active year on the bargaining front, with deals in the manufacturing, construction, community services, university and council sectors among those up for renegotiation, a Sydney conference was told today.

News briefs, November 27, 2002

AIRC varies agreements to render income protection clause non-objectionable; Abbott launches another attack on Bracks; Cost of Interim Building Taskforce blows out; Kobelke releases WA OHS review; AIRC issues final telco award; and Tribunal awards costs to complainant in employment discrimination case.

HR must take lead in advancing women leaders: EOWA

HR managers need to rethink what makes a good leader and include more female characteristics in their model, the EOWA says, after releasing a census suggesting Australia is a decade behind other countries in equal employment of women.

Trade dollars for reduced working time: call to unions

Academic Barbara Pocock has told Australia's union leaders that curtailing hours is the key to a decent working life and urged them to trade wage rises for reductions in working hours.

Wages up 4% in private sector agreements

Wages are growing at 4% a year in private sector enterprise agreements registered in the September quarter, according to data released today by the DEWR.

Pasminco workers reinstated for six days

The NSW IRC has ordered Pasminco Limited to reinstate two injured workers and pay them almost $100,000 in entitlements after ruling that their dismissal six days before the sale of the mine was "cruel and heartless".

ACTU executive news briefs, November 26, 2002

ACTU endorses promotions for Walton and de Bruyn, confirms hours caps likely to become ACTU policy, celebrates 75th birthday and says work and family test case provisions involve low or no cost.