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Crumlin returned unopposed, but most MUA officials face poll

MUA national secretary Paddy Crumlin has been elected unopposed for a new four-year term, but he is one of only a handful of MUA leaders not to face a contest in the upcoming poll, which opens in mid-April.

Smelter project first to provide 36-hour week, NEST payments

Up to 2,000 manufacturing employees working on the construction of a new aluminum smelter in Queensland will be covered by a project agreement that implements the 36-hour week and puts severance payments into NEST, both of which are firsts for the State.

Upper House no barrier to IR change for Carr's third term

After being returned for a third term on Saturday, the Carr Government looks likely to continue to be able to push amendments to its IR legislation through the Upper House, as a large crossbench has been retained that gives Labor significant flexibility.

Aventis pays for child care on return to work

A drug company has broken new ground by paying for up to six months childcare costs for workers returning from parental leave and allowing them to keep their company car for three months after taking leave.

Campaign 2003 bargaining notices go out

The Victorian branch of the AMWU has began sending out bargaining notices to close to 1,000 companies and is in the process of drafting its Campaign 2003 claims into an agreement that delegates will be serving on employers.

News in brief, March 20, 2003

Woodside right of entry trial deferred; Qld nurses compulsory arbitration ends; and Redundant Victorian gas and fuel workers look at legal action.

Unpaid parental leave for casuals not guaranteed

The AIRC has made it clear that it won't automatically insert the provisions of the casuals' parental leave test case in awards, after it today rejected an AMWU bid to update the Graphic Arts Award.

Gambling dismissal unfair despite strict policy

An AIRC full bench has today upheld a ruling that a casino dealer was unfairly dismissed for placing a bet at an on-site TAB, in breach of a policy he claimed he did not know about.