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News in brief, April 10, 2003

AWU's Terry Muscat dies; Hartcher back as NSW's Shadow IR Minister; six weeks paid parental leave for all WA public sector workers; and Workplace Relations Minister Tony Abbott and the AWU's Bill Shorten to put on the gloves.

UK unions invigorated after near-death experience

The Australian union movement can draw some comfort from a UK study on the partial revival of unions there - the catch being that it took a change of Government to start clawing back lost ground.

Bench rules on agreement dispute powers

An AIRC full bench has found the Commission has broad powers under s170LW to sort out differences using the dispute resolution procedures in enterprise agreements.

PM pours cold water on paid maternity leave proposals

It is "intellectually insubstantial" and "insulting" to view paid maternity leave as the solution to the challenge of balancing work and family, according to Prime Minister John Howard.

News in brief, April 8, 2003

Psychological testing company says regulation needed; AWU consent required before MIM changes rosters; Fewer than one in 20 agreements address absenteeism; No funding of work and family package in May Budget; Five years late unfair dismissal claim terminated; and Big email/internet abuse investigation in DVA.

Decision approves substandard deals to buffer change

An AIRC full bench has today opened the way for employers to use the Workplace Relations Act's public interest test to win approval for substandard short-term agreements designed to help them cope with substantial change.

Peace deal for Centrelink

CPSU members at Centrelink have voted in favour of a new s170LJ agreement that extends opening hours by 60 minutes a day and provides a 12.5% pay rise over 39 months for the organisation's 22,000 employees, plus a $600 one-off bonus.

Fixed supported wage deal unfair: Commission

The AIRC has refused to certify a s170LK agreement covering workers with a disability because it provided a fixed supported wage rate of $1.71 per hour, regardless of individual workers' productivity.

Commonwealth found liable for police harassment

A female police officer allegedly sexually harassed at work has had her vicarious liability claim against the Police Commissioner dismissed, but has succeeded in the same claim against the Federal Government.