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IRC reinstates police officer in "borderline" sex case

In a rare case of male-on-male sexual harassment, the NSW IRC has reinstated a dismissed police officer but refused to compensate his lost remuneration after finding the case was "close to the borderline".

Former company head seeks $10.5m in unfair contract claim

A group of companies linked to pay TV operator Austar has failed in an interlocutory bid to throw out a s106 unfair contracts claim by a former managing director who claims he has been denied a $10.5m profit from share options.

News in brief, April 24, 2003

AIRC rejects substandard non-union agreements for steak restaurant chain; and Federal Court throws out misleading and deceptive conduct claim.

Bench outlines views on mitigation under s106

A NSW IRC full bench has made some important comments on the recent amendments to the s106 unfair contracts provisions that require the Commission to consider employees' efforts to mitigate their losses.

NSW courts consider vicarious liability

The NSW Supreme Court has allowed a man injured by a casino employee to seek damages against the worker's employer, while the State's Court of Appeal has struck out a claim against another employer for an assault by one of its cleaners.

News in brief, April 23, 2004

Inflation rises to 3.4% a year; News Ltd schooner drinkers appeal starts today; and WA public sector watchdog says managers who don't act on bullying, sexism should be disciplined.

BCA and ACTU address ageing workforce

The ACTU and the Business Council of Australia have jointly called for a new effort to keep older people in the workforce.

Nurse "not a true casual" finds Commission

The SA IRC has awarded an agency nurse almost $5,700 in entitlements after finding that she was employed on a continuous contract rather than on a strictly casual basis.