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Compulsory AWAs blocked by "merit" promotion clause: AIRC

An attempt by Airservices Australia to move about 100 air traffic control supervisors onto AWAs has been blocked by an AIRC finding that its agreement with the union requires recruitment and promotion to be determined by merit.

Federal Government deletes more references to Work Choices

The Federal Government is deleting more references to Work Choices from its public information services, changing the name of its telephone advice line from the "WorkChoices Infoline" to the "Workplace Infoline."

Howes to lead AWU

AWU national vice president Paul Howes looks set to take over the leadership of the union when secretary Bill Shorten goes into Parliament later this year, after his sole challenger withdrew from the race.

Construction employers differ on ALP's IR policy

Construction industry employers and employer groups are unanimous in wanting the ALP to deliver an IR regime for their sector that is as tough on unions, if not on individual employees, as the one that already exists. But they have divergent views on whether it can, and on whether building costs will rise if Labor does takes office federally.