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COVID-19 impels greater parental leave flexibility: Porter

The Morrison Government has this morning introduced legislation to permit all parents to take up to 30 days of flexible unpaid parental leave until their child turns two and ensure 12 months of unpaid parental leave is available for families dealing with stillbirths, infant deaths and premature births.

FWC moves to accommodate new WFH reality

The FWC has taken the initiative of releasing a draft award schedule addressing working-from-home arrangements, describing it as conversation-starter that recognises the need to adapt to COVID-19 realities.

FWC commends peaceful resolution to border dispute

The FWC has commended the AFAP and a special mission aviation employer for their approach in resolving a COVID-19 related dispute over the relocation of FIFO pilots on Border Force surveillance contracts.

McManus robo-calls offer pledge on IR change

ACTU secretary Sally McManus will tonight use a "robo-call" to about 500,000 lower and middle-income households to explain the union movement's aims heading into the first of the Morrison Government's IR change discussions tomorrow.

COVID-19 clerks award change past use-by date: Union

The ASU says it will object to extending a coronavirus-driven variation to the clerks' award because it has been "superseded" by JobKeeper and Fair Work Act changes, dismissing the employer bid as an attack on the award system.

"Strange" timing as council scraps work-from-home custom

In a case of curious timing, the FWC has endorsed a council's mid-pandemic scrapping of an enduring work-from-home arrangement on the basis it fell outside the purview of a flexible work agreement clause.

McDonald's granted award flexibility to help "weather storm"

More than 200,000 award-covered fast food industry workers face temporary cuts to part-time hours and reduced overtime penalties under fiercely-contested, pandemic-related changes approved by an FWC full bench.