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158 articles are classified in All Articles > Entry to workplaces > Case law

Mining giant seeking to challenge entry ruling in High Court

BHP Coal is seeking special leave from the High Court to challenge a ruling that allowed the CFMEU to hold discussions in the crib room of a coal mine's dragline, but the union says permit holders could be left with nowhere to meet with workers if the company's interpretation is accepted.

Full court allows discussions in dragline's crib room

A full Federal Court has upheld the CFMEU's right to hold discussions in the crib room of a coal mine dragline, after rejecting BHP Coal's bid for a narrow interpretation of the Fair Work Act.

Dressing-down from wife fails to save CFMEU official's entry permit

In continuing fallout from an unlawful CFMEU visit to two Adelaide construction sites in 2013, the FWC has refused to renew a veteran organiser's entry permit, despite union claims that he wouldn't re-offend after being "chastised" by his wife for his actions.

FWC orders Australia Post to produce Metcher report

The FWC has ordered Australia Post to allow Employment Minister Michaelia Cash to inspect the report of a confidential investigation into an employee's allegations against former CEPU leader Jim Metcher, after rejecting claims the document is privileged.

FWC issues entry permit to MUA's Cain

The FWC has granted MUA WA branch secretary Chris Cain a new entry permit but has warned that any breaches would undermine his credibility, making it "extraordinarily difficult" for him to continue to be deemed a "fit and proper" person.

Rebuff for ABCC bid to hold union leader responsible

The ABCC has failed in an attempt to convince a full Federal Court to deny CFMEU construction and general division Queensland branch secretary Michael Ravbar an entry permit because of his responsibility for the union's "culture of wilful disobedience".

Cash intervenes in Metcher entry permit case

Employment Minister Michaelia Cash has indicated that she will pursue domestic violence allegations against CEPU leader Jim Metcher in the Fair Work Commission.

CFMEU to seek full Federal Court hearing after High Court rebuff

The CFMEU says it will appeal to a full Federal Court over a judge's refusal to let it withdraw admissions that it was liable for right of entry contraventions by five officials at three Adelaide construction sites, after the High Court on Friday found the union inappropriately invoked its jurisdiction.

MUA wins beachhead at Gorgon LNG project

The MUA has established its right to represent one of three teams of workers it sought access to at the Gorgon LNG project's processing site, after the FWC found their principal functions "lie at the heart of a waterside worker".