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Push for 10 days reproductive health leave at ACTU Congress

A "broad coalition" of unions will call at this week's ACTU Congress in Adelaide for the peak group to press the Albanese Labor Government to legislate next year to insert 10 days reproductive health leave into the NES, according to key affiliate the Queensland Council of Unions.

"Consensus" on half-pay annual leave: FWC

Unions and employers have flagged support for permitting award-covered employees to extend their annual leave by taking it at half pay, in what might be the sole area of consensus arising from the work and care tranche of the FWC's modern awards review, but they are yet to agree on "safeguards".

Unions pushing for reproductive health leave in NES

Queensland's peak union body will push the Albanese Government to add paid reproductive health leave to the National Employment Standards in its next term, and has released a model clause to advance the claim in bargaining, as part of its "It's For Every Body" campaign.

Give menopausal women right to flexible work: Union

The FSU has told a Senate inquiry that employees suffering from perimenopause or menopausal symptoms should have a right to apply for flexible work, while Maurice Blackburn says an ability to work from home, access extra paid leave and take longer breaks greatly improves engagement.

Call for disconnect rights term in agreements

A labour law expert has told a Senate inquiry he supports the Albanese Government's Bill to remove criminal sanctions from right to disconnect laws but he believes there should be a new requirement for all agreements to contain a disconnection rights term.

Queensland leads push for paid reproductive health leave

Queensland's Miles Government says it will carefully consider a QCU push for 10 days paid reproductive health leave, including for IVF, painful periods, vasectomies and cancer screenings, while ACTU Congress will debate backing it as a national policy.

Greens secure disconnect right deal

The Greens says they have secured support from the Albanese Government and Senate crossbenchers for a legislated right for workers to disconnect from "unreasonable" out-of-hours contact from their employers.

Crossbench talks continuing ahead of Loopholes debate

IR Minister Tony Burke says the Albanese Government is "not there yet" in talks with key crossbenchers ahead of this week's Senate debate on its Closing Loopholes No 2 legislation, while consultations on including a "right to disconnect" are tackling the role of fines.

Burke negotiating with Greens on disconnection right

IR Minister Tony Burke is consulting with the Greens and key crossbench senators on including a "right to disconnect" in the Closing Loopholes No 2 legislation once Federal Parliament resumes next week.