Enterprise or individual agreements page 1 of 16

151 articles are classified in All Articles > Pay and remuneration > Enterprise or individual agreements

"Upbeat" BHP benefits patter gets downbeat reception in FWC

BHP has failed in another bid to win approval of a deal for its in-house labour hire arm, after it gave workers an "upbeat" deep-dive on the benefits, failed to explain detriments and left them in the dark on pay.

Transfer to direct jobs lines up with SJSP: FWC

The FWC has transferred workers from BHP's in-house labour hire arm to direct employment with the new owners of a former BHP Coal mine, finding it "consistent" with the intent of the Fair Work Act's new "same-job, same-pay" protections.

SJSP clause dropped from Aldi deal at last minute: SDA

The SDA says its challenge to a Victorian/Tasmanian Aldi deal on the basis that it tries to circumvent new "same-job, same-pay" laws has prompted the company to quietly ditch similar provisions from a proposed SA deal immediately before an unsuccessful ballot.

ALAEA's IBD bid seeks to thaw "unjust" Qantas pay freeze

The Australian Licenced Aircraft Engineers Association is at the pointy end of a bid for an intractable bargaining declaration to break an alleged "impasse" in negotiations on behalf of Qantas engineers in Tamworth, with the Flying Kangaroo and the union due to report back to the FWC this morning.

HR team "should have known better": FWC bench

A FWC full bench has slammed a public health provider's HR team for its "inappropriate" response to queries about late payment of 'nauseous work' and education allowances for an estimated 220 employees, concluding that the delay amounted to an underpayment capable of attracting a penalty.

Court backs FWC role in case that led to HR manager referral

In a significant judgment on the FWC's powers, a full Federal Court has today dismissed a major hospitality group's claim that a Commission bench exhibited bias when it voiced its concerns about an already-approved agreement ultimately revealed to have been voted up by three venue managers and a payroll employee not covered by it.

Umpire asks paymaster to attend bargaining talks

The FWC has urged the Defence Department to send "an authorised and properly instructed representative" to deadlocked bargaining negotiations at the Australian Submarine Corporation.

Indigenous "cultural load" recognition gains traction

Most universities now have cultural workload allowances for First Nations employees in their agreements that recognise the often unseen cultural education guidance they provide, with WA's Murdoch University the latest to adopt the entitlement, according to the NTEU.

Supported bargaining bid looming for pre-schools

The IEU is planning to apply for a supported bargaining authorisation covering up to 40 NSW community-based preschools by the end of the month, pushing for increases of at least 25% for teachers who are paid far less than they would receive if they worked in a school.