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FWC asks who'd foot the bill for pandemic allowance

An FWC full bench has asked the Morrison Government whether it will boost funding to compensate employers if it grants a contested $5-an-hour COVID-19 allowance claim for disability workers attending to self-isolated and quarantining clients.

Another dunking for offshore deal

A labour hire company's successor agreement has again failed to win approval from the FWC, despite an undertaking aimed at addressing a finding that it told workers their rates of pay would rise when they would actually fall.

AiG seeks coronavirus-driven minimum wage rise delay

The "exceptional circumstances" created by COVID-19 warrant delaying the operative date of any minimum wage increase by a fortnight to July 15, according to the Ai Group, while the Victorian Government is calling for a rise of at least 3%.

No acceleration in pay rises: ABS

Growth in private sector rates of pay excluding bonuses remained stagnant at the end of last year, but continued to outpace inflation, according to ABS data released today.

Private sector pay rises ease again

Bargained wage rises in the private sector dropped to 2.7% a year in the September quarter, according to newly-released Attorney-General's Department data that also shows some large retail employers are starting to tie increases to the FWC's annual review.

Super rise to suppress headline wage growth: RBA

Workers' wages will continue to grow at about 2.2%, similar to the current WPI, partly because the forthcoming 0.5 percentage point rise in compulsory super payments will be mostly funded by forgone pay rises, according to the RBA.

Private sector pay growth steady at 2.3% a year

Growth in private sector rates of pay excluding bonuses is increasing at 2.3% a year, unchanged from the annual rise recorded in the previous two quarters, according to ABS data released today.

Deal's "traditional" notion supports uni's pay cut: FWC

A university's decision to slash casual tutors' rates for online student support almost four years into an agreement has been endorsed by the FWC, despite the member observing that the deal's definition of tutorial harked back to his long-gone days at law school.