Rates of pay page 8 of 22

220 articles are classified in All Articles > Pay and remuneration > Rates of pay

Police nail 1.75% pay rise as paramedics "win" 0.3%

The NSW IRC has awarded police a 1.75% pay rise after finding their award does not reflect productivity and efficiency improvements since 2011, but the state's paramedics will get only 0.3% with a one-off payment to boost their first year's increase to $1000.

Employers seeking minimum wage freezes, delays

Employer bodies are asking the FWC's minimum way panel to freeze minimum rates, limit any rises to CPI or to follow last year's precedent and postpone any increases.

Ross rejects application to delay aged care work value case

The FWC has refused an ANMF and UWU bid to delay an aged care work value case to provide more time for collaboration - as urged by the Aged Care Royal Commission - after the HSU said it would be "premature" and inefficient.

Uber to pay "living wage" to UK drivers

Uber's UK arm will pay 70,000 drivers the national living wage, “holiday time” and automatically enrol them in a superannuation scheme, in response to a recent UK Supreme Court judgment.

"Approve pay cut or lose your job" not coercion: FWC

A large catering contractor did not coerce its workers when it warned them they would lose their jobs and forgo severance if they failed to approve a pay cut for new employees, the FWC has found.

Bill will further suppress historically-low pay growth: Submission

Ahead of its appearance today before the Senate inquiry into the Omnibus IR Bill, the Centre for Future Work has warned that as Australia experiences an unprecedented period of low pay growth, the legislation's changes "will exert additional downward pressure".

RBA predicts long wage pause; Analysis says Bill won't help

The RBA is warning that wage growth won't be "materially higher" for at least three years, while Centre for Future Work analysis suggests that the proposed Omnibus Bill provision permitting approval of BOOT-failing agreements will further hamper any recovery in pay rises.

Single loaded rate unlikely, says FWC president

If the FWC incorporates loaded rates in hospitality and retail awards after a referral from IR Minister Christian Porter, it is likely to involve a range of such rates rather than a single one, the tribunal's president indicated in a statement today.

AWU seeks to axe horticulture pieceworker "loophole"

The AWU is seeking to delete a decade-old pieceworker provision in the horticulture award that it claims leaves affected workers with no safety net and substandard rates of pay.