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Big pay jump for HR and IR hires in Queensland

Queensland employers will have to pay a substantially higher base salary for newly-hired HR and IR managers, according to a remuneration survey released today.

Gender pay gap closing, no thanks to some: WGEA

The gender pay gap has dropped from 24.7% to 21.3% over the past five years but many companies are still harbouring an "action gap", with policies in place but no accountability for implementing them, says the Workplace Gender Equality Agency.

Data harvesting among reasons to boost teacher pay: IEU

Citing more complex demands such as data harvesting, the IEU has in addition to its bid for an equal remuneration order on behalf of 15,000 early childhood teachers now lodged an alternative work value claim to increase salary levels by between 11% and 34%, or to implement a uniform 25% pay rise.

Technology won't protect gig workers from themselves: Airtasker

One year into a landmark agreement between Airtasker and Unions NSW to improve pay and conditions, the company's chief executive Tim Fung has told a Senate inquiry the platform's technology is not up to the task of ensuring adherence to minimum pay and licensing requirements.

Equal pay case's time is now: FWC

The FWC has refused to grant engineering employers more time to comply with production orders in the IEU's equal pay claim on behalf of early childhood teachers, finding neither provided a "proper basis" despite one having a director off work due to complications arising from cancer surgery.

Analysis proves $50 rise boosts jobs: ACTU

The ACTU will today release economic modelling to bolster its argument that a $50-a-week increase in the minimum wage would be a job creator rather than a job destroyer, as claimed by employer groups.

AiG seeks nip and tuck for hair and beauty penalty rates

Hair and beauty industry employers are seeking in a submission lodged today that the FWC cut Sunday and public holiday penalty rates by a similar amount to the reductions ordered for retail and pharmacy sectors in last year’s landmark ruling.

Private sector pay growth now tracking CPI, ABS confirms

RBA Governor Philip Lowe's jawboning on wages is yet to have an effect, with the ABS confirming today that growth in private sector rates of pay remains in the doldrums and is now in lockstep with cost of living increases.

Low wages linked to declining industrial action: Research

The "near disappearance" of industrial action over recent decades is strongly correlated with the "deceleration" of wages growth, according to the new analysis released by the Centre for Future Work just days after the FWC halted the planned Sydney train strike.