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187 articles are classified in All Articles > Pay and remuneration > Case law

Aged care work significantly undervalued: Canberra

The Albanese Government has told the FWC it backs a minimum pay rise for the 365,000 aged care workers because their work value "is significantly higher than modern awards currently reflect" and "gender-based assumptions" have undervalued their labour.

Pay members for taking RATs: Union

The ANMF will continue to pursue a nursing home it says should be paying members for the time it takes to perform a COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Test before entering the facility, despite the FWC find it unclear "what possible basis" existed to make such a claim.

Big fines loom after threats to exploited cooks

In what a lawyer believes will result in one of the biggest wage theft penalty orders to date, the Federal Court has found an employer significantly underpaid two cooks, made "cashback" demands to recoup payroll tax and visa costs and used threats to ensure compliance.

Aged care wages "not properly fixed": FWC bench

The FWC full bench hearing the aged care work value case is seeking feedback on its provisional view that pay rates in awards covering the sector's workforce have not been properly fixed, calling also for submissions on background documents by July 22.

No basis for manager's lockdown pay cut: Tribunal

A 20% pay cut imposed on a general manager while his employer shut its doors due to COVID-19 restrictions breached his contract and did not qualify as a JobKeeper-enabling direction, WA's IRC has held.

"Discontent" inevitable when same work, different pay: FWC

A FWC senior member who once served as Fortescue's HR manager has observed in the course of granting its bid to transfer outsourced workers to a direct-employment deal that doing the same work for lesser conditions "inevitably" leads to discontent and would be "unfair".

Meat wholesaler on hook for unreasonable extra hours

In a rare Federal Court ruling on reasonable additional hours, a large employer faces penalties for numerous Fair Work Act and award breaches after being found to have employed a recently-arrived "third-world" migrant on a 50-hour week in which shifts began at 2am.

$181K fine for listed company that stalled wage increase

Australia's largest bus operator has been fined $181,000 after a judge considered an internal email to its chief executive warning of the "very real possibility of being accused of 'wage theft'" if it did not pay more than 750 drivers an overdue wage increase.

Coles, Woolies face 7-week trial over alleged underpayments

The Federal Court has set a seven-week trial to hear Adero Law's class actions against Coles and Woolworths in tandem with FWO underpayment claims against the retailers, while the law firm seeks about a third of a $2.2 million settlement with Drakes and Foodland.