Case law page 18 of 19

187 articles are classified in All Articles > Pay and remuneration > Case law

Death cover pushes employee's salary over high-income limit

An FWC full bench has thrown out a senior employee's unfair dismissal claim, ruling his life insurance premium, paid by his employer, counted towards his annual income and pushed his earnings beyond the high-income threshold.

$400,000-plus adverse action payout for worker shifted to part-time

The Federal Circuit Court has ordered a Mahjong club to pay more than $415,000 in compensation for breaching state and federal IR laws and engaging in adverse action when it moved a full-time tea attendant to a part-time role because of his workers' compensation claim.

Overtime not payable for reasonable additional hours: Court

A court has ruled that three lawyers at an IR advisory company are not entitled to overtime for working two extra hours a week, because it constituted reasonable additional hours under the Fair Work Act.

Bench clears the way for equal remuneration case

A Fair Work Commission full bench has set down principles to guide the equal pay case for child care workers and early childhood teachers, before it hears the merits of the matter next year.

Circuit Court questions FWBC building company prosecution

The Federal Circuit Court has questioned why the FWBC chose not to prosecute the director of a phoenixed bricklaying company that failed to pay correct pay and entitlements to several "daily hire" workers.

Minimum wage a key economic driver: Shorten

Federal Labor in opposition made its first-ever submission to a national wage case because of the critical role of the minimum wage in driving consumption and ensuring the dignity of ordinary workers, the party’s leader, Bill Shorten, told the ACTU’s Congress today.